Brødrene Aa has built over 300 composite vessels since 1970s with the last 60 utilizing carbon fiber composite construction. Building advanced high-quality vessels is not enough, it also demands delivering the highest quality service and support to protect the owners’ and operators’ investment.
Service and maintenance
Each customer’s needs get the individual attention they deserve. Tailored solutions are developed to meet each customer’s unique needs. World class service and maintenance services include:
• Vessel haul outs
• Class Society updates
• Alignment and calibration of machinery
• Stability and inclination tests
Rebuild, retrofitting & repairs
We do our outmost to deliver the perfect solution to your challenges. Designing & performing retrofits and upgrades such as:
• Repower and retrofitting of machinery and propulsion
• Structural changes to any part of the vessel
• Coordinate and cooperate with external suppliers
• Interior refitting
And any other needs you have to upgrade your vessel.

Eikefjord Yard
The yard in Eikefjord is strategically located for easy access from the sea and offers the highest quality service to the after-market. It has a total of 3,000 square meters of modern indoor facilities, with full humidity and temperature control. We maintain a highly skilled and experienced workforce offering all disciplines required for service, repairs and retrofits.
Railway capacity: 250 tons
Total length of interior: 120 m
Width: 20 m
Height:12 m
The slip at Eikefjord Yard